UniOS: A Definition
This is an except from a mail that I had sent in the mailing list.
It is, in my own words, a definition of UniOS.
I'd like to take the time to define, in my own words, what UniOS is.
I do this for the sake of clarification (for myself as well as others),
and so we have a reference definition on which to change or enhance.
This may also give us a direction to move from, as we are not
progressing at a noticeable rate.
Premise #1 - What UniOS IS
UniOS standard is only the specific binary
format that the objects are stored in, and the backwards compatible, well
hardware abstracted objects and drivers that the system is promised
to have on each platform to allow cross platform development. Essentially,
this is all that we are creating... A new, simple, portable, flexible yet
well defined standard for application development.
Premise #2 - What UniOS ISN'T
UniOS standard, is not the boot loader,
the configuration methods, the IPC, the memory manager, the language, object
interaction/sharing/ordering, the executable format, the script format,
the platform, the applications, or the interface. These can be (are)
all implementation specific.
Premise #3 - What UniOS WILL BE
UniOS as a whole (project/distribution), is a unified
set of #1 and #2 elements, into a cohesive logical OS.
Premise #4 - What UniOS MIGHT BE
If we end up with a fragmented UniOS Project, and if every
fragment follows #1, all systems would be application level compatible. |