Computing Liberalism

The political term for the application of the theories of Liberalism to the computing world. It proclaims that only through computing freedom can the computing world achieve power, performance and reliability.

The arguments for liberalism have been sufficiently developed since the late seventeenth century, and have proven generic enough (see Cybernetics), so that we do not have to repeat them extensively. We just need to point out that the same arguments apply to the computer market as well as any market.

This means people in the computer world, producers as well as consumers, must have access to real information, not advertisement or propaganda, and be free to discuss computer problems and acquire computer education, so that there would be fair competition, which will yield the best possible result, not wild competition that leads to monopolies.

For competition to be the fairest and the most active, it should happen at the finer possible grain of software, with optimal security.

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