Leaving the penguindex for an adult web site

With the Stile Project, linux penguins boldly go where no linux penguin has gone before, but for some reason, people don't seem to pay much attention to the penguins -- beware, this otherwise linux-unrelated site displays overt bad taste and adult material, that might hurt some people's sensibilities, as they did hurt the feelings of some readers of this page.

Hint, hint: there's a reason why I finally chose to not directly link to that site directly anymore. If you're surfing with children, instead try the link penguin activities for children (no, it's not linux-related, but who says it can't be fun?) -- beware, this otherwise linux-unrelated site displays overt silly taste and children material, that might hurt some people's sensibilities, as they would have hurt the feelings of W. C. Fields.

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