From its home page (see below): Project goals: to develop theory and software for creating on-line collaborations tools that, through structuring information and interaction, encourage reflection, multiple-perspectives, critical thinking, transparency, authenticity, cognitive empathy, and meta-cognition, at three levels of communication: rhetorical (consumer-producer communication), dialogic (open dialog), and communal (for synthesis and decision-making).Currently uncategorized.
Another excerpt:
Related theories and authors who have inspired this work:
This work aims to take such things as the following into consideration:
- Current intersubjectivity theories and methods dealing with dialog, deep democracy, communicative action , truth and reconciliation, etc. (Habermas, Atlee, Rosenberg, Mendel,...);
- Current psychological and cognitive theories about self-deception and the unconscious (Bok, Goleman), media manipulation, emotional intelligence (Damasio, Goleman), hierarchies of needs (Kegan, Beck, Fischer, Wilber), and empirically discovered limitations in cognitive processing and decision making (Khaneman et al.);
- Philosophical theories of "truth" and the limits of knowledge (Gademer, James, Habermas);
- Current sociological and intersubjective theories on collective "shadow," facilitated ignorance, and legitimation in groups and organizations;
- The pragmatic realities and issues addressing why reflection and transparency are so uncommon (or avoided) in public dialog and media information;
- Work in organizational development and leadership (Senge, Kegan);
- Recent work from AI and cognitive science in knowledge representation and knowledge engineering;
- Current technology advances in on-line communication and collaborative systems (Flores). See Understanding Computers and Cognition in Appetizers. -- MaD70
- Perspegrity, cognitive tools supporting perspective and integrity in on-line collaboration.
- Tom Murray, author's homepage.