Part II: Languages and Expressiveness

  1. Computer Languages
  2. Firstly, let's settle what we call a "computer language".
    A language is just any means by which humans, computers, or any active member of a dynamical system, can communicate information. Computer languages are languages used to vehiculate information about what the computer should do; any media for exchanging information is a language.

    Now, this makes a language even out of point-and-click-on-window-system, or out of a bitstream protocol.

    So what? Why has a language got to use ASCII symbols or a written alphabet at all? People use sounds, the deaf use their hands, various animals use a lot of different ways to communicate, computers use electrical signals. What makes the language is the structure of the information communicated, not the media used for this communication to happen.

    Written or spoken english, though they have differences, are both english, and recognizable as such; what makes english is its structures, its patterns, not the media used to communicate those patterns. These patterns might be represented by things as physically foreign to each other as vibrations of the air (when one talks), or digital electrical signals on a silicon chip (when your computer text such as this very article you're reading).

    Of course, symbol-based languages are simpler to implement on today's computers, but that's only a historical dependency, that may evolve and eventually disappear.

    And of course not all languages are equivalent. Surely the language used to communicate with a washing machine is much more limited than what we use to talk to humans. Still, there is no reason why not to call it a language.

    As with Operating Systems, the problem is not to define the concept of a computer language, but to identify what characteristics it should have to maximize its utility.

    So what kind of structure shall a computer language have? What makes a language structure better or more powerful than another? That's what we'll have to inspect.

  3. Goal of a computer language
  4. [Rename that to "Computer Language Utility"?]

    It should stressed that computer languages have nothing to do with finished, static "perfect" computer programs: those can have been written in any language, preferably a portable one (for instance, any ANSI supported language, i.e. most probably the largely supported "C", even if I'd then personally prefer FORTH or Scheme). If all interesting things already had been said and understood, and all ever needed programs already run satisfactorily on current machines, there would be no more need for a language; but there are infinitely many interesting things, and only finitely many things said and understood, so a language will always be needed, and no finite language (a grammarless dictionary) will ever be enough.
    Much like an operating system, being useful not as a static library, but as a frame for dynamic computing, computer languages have to do with programming, with modifyings programs, creating new programs, not just watching existing ones; that is, computer languages are for communicating, be it with other people or a further self. That is languages are protocols to store and retrieve documents in such a way that the meaning of a document, its dynamical properties, its propension towards evolution and modification, etc, be preserved.

    Thus, the qualities of a (programming) language do not lie only in what can eventually be done as a static program with the language; or more precisely, assuming we have all the needed "library" routines to access the hardware we need, all Turing-equivalent languages are equally able to describe any static program. These qualities do not lie in the efficiency of a straightforward implementation either, as a good "optimizing" compiler can always be achieved later, and speed critical routines can be included in libraries (i.e. if you really need a language, then you won't be a beginner for a long time at this language).
    The qualities of a language lie in the easiness to express new concepts, and to modify existing routines.

    With this in mind, a programming language is better than another if it is easier for a human to write a new program or to modify an existing program, or of course to reuse existing code (which is some extension to modifying code); a language is better, if sentences of equal meaning are shorter, or if just if better accuracy is reachable.

  5. Reuse versus Rewrite
  6. We evaluated a computing system's utility by the actual time saved by using them on the long run, as compared to using other tools instead, or not using any. Now, personal expediency suggests that people keep using the same tools as they always did, however bad they may be, and add functionalities as they are needed, because learning and installing new tools is costly. But this leads to obsolete tools grown with bogus bulging features, that provide tremendous debugging and maintenance costs. It results in completely insecure software, so no one trusts any one else's software, and no one wants to reuse other people's software, all the more if one has to pay.

    For the problem is that, with existing tools, 99.99% of programming time throughout the world is spent doing again and again the same basic things that have been done hundreds of times before or elsewhere. It is common to hear (or read) that most programmers spend their time reinventing the wheel, or desesperately trying to adapt existing wheels to their gear. Of course, you can't escape asking students and newbies to repeat and learn what their elders did, so they can understand it and interiorize the constraints of computing. The problem is that today's crippled tools and closed development strategies make learning difficult and reuse even more difficult, secure reuse being just impossible. Thus people spend most of their time writing again and again new versions of earlier works, nothing really worth the time they spend, nothing original, only so they can be sure they know what it does, and it provides correctly the particular feature they need that couldn't be done before, or at least not exactly. Even then, they seldom manage to have it do what they want.

    Now, after all, you may argue that such a situation creates jobs, so is desirable; so why bother ?

    First of all, there is plenty of useful work to do on Earth, so time and money saved by not repeating things while programming can be spent on many many other activities (if you really can't find any, call me, I'll show you). Physical resources are globally limited, so wasting them at doing redundant work is unacceptably harmful.
    Paying people to dig holes and fill them back just to create jobs, as suggested by despicable economists like J.M. Keynes, is of utmost stupidity. Else, we might encourage random killing, as it decreases unemployment among potential victims, and increases employment among morticians, cops, and journalists. If Maynard Keynes' argument holds, I particularly recommend suicide to its proponents for the beneficial effect it has on society. See [Bas] for a refutation of this myth, more than a hundred years before stupid socialist politicians apply it: maybe spending money to do useless things might have some beneficial aspects, as for example stimulating employment; but their global effect is very harmful, as the money and energy spent by central organs to the limited benefit of a few could have been spent much more usefully for everyone (not forcibly by a central organ at all), as there are so many useful things to be done, be it only to prepare against natural catastrophes, not to talk about human curses. That useless work policy is taking a lot from everyone to give little to a few.

    Now, rewriting is a serious problem for everyone. To begin with, rewriting is a loss of time, that make programming delays quite longer, thus is very costly. More costly even is the fact that rewriting is an error prone operation and anytime during a rewrite, one may introduce errors very difficult to trace and remove (if need be, one may recall the consequences of computer failures in space ships, phone nets, planes). Reuse of existing data accross software rewrites, and communication of data between different software proves being of exorbitant cost. The most costly aspect of rewriting may also be the fact that any work has a short lifespan, and will have to be rewritten entirely from scratch whenever a new problem arises; thus programming investment cost is high, and software maintenance is of high cost and low quality. And it is to be considered that rewriting is an ungrateful work that disheartens programmers, which has an immeasurably negative effect on programmer productivity and work quality, while wasting their (programming or other) talents. Last but not least, having to rewrite from scratch creates an limit to software quality, that is, no software can be better than what one man can program during one life.

    Rewrite is waste of shared resources by lack of communication. And all the argument is about that: not communicating is harmful; any good the system should encourage communication. Now, even when current operating systems greatly limit communication of computer code, they happily do not prevent humans to communicate informal ideas of computer code. This is how we could get where we are.

    Therefore, it will now be assumed as proven that code rewriting is a really bad thing, and that we thus want the opposite: software reuse, software sharing.
    We could have arrived at the same conclusion just with this simple argument: if some software is really useful (considering the general interest), then it must be used many, many times, by many different people, unless it is some kind of computation with a definitive answer that concerns everybody (which is difficult to conceive: some software that would solve a metaphysical or historical problem!). Thus, useful software, least it be some kind of very unique code, is to be reused countless times. That's why to be useful, code must be very easy to reuse.
    It will be showed that such reuse is what the "Object-Orientation" slogan is all about, and what it really means when it means anything. But reuse itself introduces new problems that have to be solved before reuse can actually be possible, problems as we already saw, of trust: how can one trust software from someone else? How can one reuse software without spreading errors from reused software, without introducing errors due to misunderstanding or misadaptation of old code, and without having software obsolescence? We'll see what are possible reuse techniques, and how they cope with these problems.

  7. Copying Code
  8. The first and the simplest way to reuse code is just the "copy-paste" method: the human user just copies some piece of code, and pastes it in a new context, then modifies it to fit a new particular purpose.
    This is really like copying whole chapters of a book, and changing a names to have it fit a new context; this method has got many flaws and lacks, and we can both moral and economically object to it.

    First of all, copying is a tedious and thus error-prone method: if you have to copy and modify the same piece of code thousands of times, it can prove a long and difficult work, and nothing will prevent you from doing as many mistakes while copying or modifying.
    As for the moral or economical objection, it is sometimes considered bad manners to copy other people's code, especially when copyright issues are involved; sometimes code is protected in such a way that one cannot copy it easily (or would be sued for doing that); thus this copy-paste method won't even be legally of humanly possible everytime.

    Then, assuming that the previous problems could be solved (which is not obvious at all), there would still be a big problem about code copying: uncontrolled propagation of bugs and lacks of feature accross the system. And this is quite a serious threat to anything like code maintenance; actually, copying code means that any misfeature in the code is copied altogether with intended code. So the paradox of code copying is that bad copying introduces new errors, while good copying spreads existing errors; in any case code copying is an error prone method. Error correction itself is made very difficult, because every copy of the code must be corrected according to its own particular context, while tracking down all existing copies is especially difficult as code will have been modified (else the copy would have been made useless by any macro-defining preprocessor or procedure call in any language). Moreover, if another programmer (or the same programmer some time later) ever wants to modify the code, he may be unable to find all the modified copies.

    To conclude, software creation and maintenance is made very difficult, and even impossible, when using copy-paste; thus, this method is definitely bad for anything but exceptional reuse of a small number of mostly identical code in a context where expediency is much more important than long-term utility. That is, copy-paste is good for "hacking" small programs for immediate use; but it's definitely not a method to program code meant to last or to be widely used.

  9. Having an Extended Vocabulary...
  10. The second easiest, and most common way to reuse code, is to rely on standard libraries. Computer libraries are more like dictionaries and technical references than libraries, but the name stuck. So places where one can find lots of such "libraries" are called repositories.
    Using a standard library is easy: look for what you need in the standard library's index, carefully read the manual for the standard code you use, and be sure to follow the instructions.

    Unhappily, not everything one needs will be part of a standard library, for standard library include only things that have been established as needed by a large number of persons. Patiently waiting for the functionality one needs to be included in a next version of standard libraries is not a solution, either, because what makes some work useful is precisely what hasn't been done before, so that even if by chance the functionality gets added, it would mean someone else did the useful work in one's place, ..... not everything there are good reasons why before a standard library is available You wait for the function you need to be included in the standard library, and then use it as the manual describes it when it is finally provided. standards are long to come, and are even longer to be implemented the way they are documented. By that time, you will have needed new not-yet-standard features, and will have had to implement them or to use non-standard dictionaries; when the standard eventually includes your feature, you'll finally have to choose between keeping a non-standard program, that won't be able to communicate with newer packages, or rewriting your program to conform to the standard.
    Moreover, this reuse method relies heavily on a central agency for editing revised versions of the standard library. And how could a centralized agency do all the work for everyone to be happy ? Trying to impose reliance on a sole central agency that is communism. Relying only on multiple concurrent hierarchically organized agencies is feudalism. Oneself is the only thing one can ultimately rely upon; and liberalism tells us that only by having the freeer the information interchange between people, the better the system.

    It's like vocabulary, culture: you always need people to write dictionaries, encyclopaedias, and reference textbooks; but these people just won't ever provide new knowledge and techniques, they rather settle what everyone already know, thus facilitating communication where people had to translate between several existing ones more easily. You still need other people to create new things: you just can't wait for what you need to be included in the next revision of such reference book; it won't ever be if no one does settle it clearly before it may be considered by a standardization commitee.

    Now, these standard dictionaries have a technical problem: the more useful they strive to be, the larger they grow, but the larger they grow, the more difficult it gets to retrieve the right word from its meaning, which is what you want when you're writing. That's why we need some means to retrieve words from their subject, their relationship with other words; thus we need a language to talk about properties of words (perhaps the same), about how words are created, what words are or not in the standard dictionary and will or will not be. And this language will have to evolve too, so a "meta"-library will not be enough.

    When vocabularies grow too large, there appear "needle in haystack" problems: though it exists, you can't locate the word you're looking for, because there's no better way to look for it than to cautiously read the entire dictionary until you come to it...

  11. ... or a Better Grammar
  12. Furthermore, how is a dictionary to be used ? A dictionary does not deal with new words; only old ones. To express non-trivial things, one must do more than just pronounce a one magic word; one must combine words into meaningful sentences. And this is a matter of grammar - the structure of the language - not vocabulary. We could have seen that immediately: standard libraries do not deal with writing new software, but with sharing old software, which is also useful, but comes second, as there must be software before there can be old software. Computer software was not created, but develops from a long tradition. So a library is great for reuse, but actually, a good grammar is essential to use itself, and reuse in particular.

    That is, the right thing is not statically having a extended vocabulary, but dynamically having an extended vocabulary; however statically extended, the vocabulary will never be large enough. Thus we need good dynamical way to define new vocabulary. Again, it's a matter of dynamism versus statism. Current OSes suck because of their statism. Dynamically having an extended vocabulary means having dynamic ways to extend the vocabulary, which is a matter of grammar, not dictionary.

    Now what does reuse mean for the language grammar ? It means that you can define new words from existing ones, thus creating new contexts, in which you can talk more easily about your particular problems. That is, you must be able to add new words and provide new, extended, dictionaries. To allow the most powerful communication, the language should provide all meaningful means to create new words. To allow multiple people whose vocabularies evolve independently to communicate their ideas, it should allow easy abstraction and manipulation of the context, so that people with different context backgrounds can understand exactly each other's ideas.

    Thus we have two basic constructions, that shall be universally available: extracting an object's value in a context (commonly called beta-reduction), and abstracting the context of an object (commonly called lambda-abstraction). A context is made of variables. When you reduce an object, you replace occurences of the variable by its bound value; when abstracting the context, you create an object with occurences of an unbound variable inside, that you may reduce later after having bound the variable. We thus have a third operation, namely function evaluation, that binds an object to a free variable in a context.
    For the grammar to allow maximal reuse, just any object shall be abstractible. But what are those objects ?

  13. Abstraction
  14. ..... The theory of abstractions is called lambda-calculus. There are infinitely many different lambda-calculi, each having its own properties.

    Basically, you start with a universe of base objects. ....... Base objects, or zero-order objects... first order ... second order ... nth order ... higher order ... reflectivity ... beware of reflectivity of a sub-language, not the language itself ... syntax control ... .......

    (genericity ?)

  15. Metaprogramming
  16. .....

  17. Reflection
  18. .....

  19. Security
  20. We already saw how the one big problem about reusing software is it that when you share the software, you share its good features, but you also share its bugs.
    Reuse is good when it saves work, but you can't call that saving work when it makes you spend so much more time tracking bugs, avoiding them, fearing them, trying to prevent their effects, that you would have been better rewriting the software from scratch so you could trust it.
    That's why sharable software is useless if it is not also trustworthy software.

    Firstly, we must note that this worry about security does not come from software sharing; it is only multiplicated and propagated by software sharing. Even when you "share" code only with your past and future selves, the need arises. The problem is you're never sure that a module you use does what you expect it to. Moreover, to be sure you agree with the module, you must have some means to know what you want, and what the author intended. And this won't warranty that the module works as intended by the author. ......

    The first idea that arises is then "programming by contract", that is, every time some piece of code is called, it will first check all the assumptions made on the parameters, and when it returns, the caller will check that the result does fill all the requirements. This may seem simple, but implementing such technique is quite tricky: it means that checking the parameters and results is easy to do, and that you trust the checking code anyway; it also implies that all the necessary information for proper checking is computed, which is loss of space, and that all kind of checking will take place, which is loss of time. The method is thus very costly, and what does it bring ? Well, the program will just detect failure and abort ! Sometimes aborting is ok, when you have time (and money) to call some maintenance service, but sometimes it is not: a plane, a train, a boat, or a spacecraft whose software fail will crash, collide, sink, explode, be lost, or whatever, and won't be able to wait for repairs before it's too late. And even when lives or billion dollars are not involved, any failure can be very costly, at least for the victim, who may be unable to work. That's why security is something important that any operating system should offer support for. Why integrate such support in the OS itself, and not on "higher layers" ? For the very same reasons that reuse had to be integrated to the OS: because else, you would have to use not the system, but a system built on top of it, with all the related problems, and you would have to rely on the double (or bigger multiple, in case of multiple intermediate layers) implementations, that each introduce unsecurity (perhaps even bugs), unadapted semantics, big loss in performance. ......

  21. Trusting programs
  22. So we just saw techniques to design trustworthy software. Now, how could you be sure they were well used (if at all), unless you did participate to the design using them ? These techniques can only enforce trust to the technician people who have access to the internals of the software. What kind of trust can the user expect from some software s/he purchased ?

    Some companies sell support for software, so they shall repair or replace computer systems in case the customer may have problems. Support is fine indeed; support is even needed by anyone seriously using a computer (now which kind of support, it depends on what the customer needs, and what he can afford). But support won't ever replace reliable software. You never can repair all the harm that may result from misdesigned software when used in critical environment: exploding spacecrafts, shutdown phone networks, missed surgical operation, miscomputed bank accounts, blocked factories, all these cost so much that no one can ever pay back. Thus, however important, the computer support one gets is independent from the trustworth of the software one uses.

    The computer industry offers no guarantee to its software's reliability. You have to trust them, to trust their programmers and their sellers. But you shouldn't, as their interest is to spend as few money as possible in making their software reliable, as long as you buy it. They may have some ethics that will bind them to design software as reliable as they can; but don't count on ethics to last indefinitely, when there is. The only way to make sure they strive is to have some pressure on them, so that in case they would cheat you, you threaten software vendors to sue them (and long when even possible), or to lead a campaign against buying their products.
    The former very hard, when possible at all, and last for years during the which you must feed lawyers, be worried, without being sure to win. The latter means there is fair competition, so you can choose a product that will replace the one that fails; it also means that competing software allow to recover your data from the flawed system, and run on your former hardware. So even competition isn't enough if it's wild and uncontrolled, and vendors can create de facto monopolies on software or hardware compatibility (which they do).

    The only reason why you should trust software is that everyone can, and many do, examine, use and test freely the software and its actual or potential competitors, and still keep using it. We shall insist on there being potential competitors, to which you may compare only if the software sources and internal documentation is freely available, which is open development, as compared to development with non-disclosure agreements. This is the one true heart of liberalism.
    Now, what if the software you use is too specific to be used and tested by many ? What if there's no way (at reasonable price) to get feedback from the other actual and potential users of the software ? What if you don't have time to choose before you can get enough feedback to make some worthwhile opinion ? In those cases, the liberal theory above won't apply anymore.

  23. Program proof
  24. As the need of security in computer systems grows, one can't satisfy himself with trusting all the modules one uses, just because other people were (alledgedly) happy with them, or the authors of the modules have a good reputation, or other people bought it but there's no way to get feedback, or (silly idea) one paid a lot for it, or have been promised an "equal" replacement (but no money back for the other loss) in case it fails.
    However, trusting a computer system is foremost when lives (or their contents) are involved by the correct behavior of a module.
    Thus, providers of computer system modules will have to provide some reliable warranty that their modules cause no harm. They may offer to pay back any harm that may result from bugs (but such harm is seldom measurable). Or they may offer a proof of the correctness of their program.

    Test suites are pretty, but not very significant. What are tests in a million cases, when there are multi-zillions of them, or even infinitely many ? Test suites are due to fail.
    Computers were born from mathematicians and their theory is largely developped. If computer systems are designed from mathematically simple elements, that have well-known semantics, it may be actually possible to prove that the computer system actually does what it is meant to do.
    The advantage of a mathematical proof is that, when done according to the very strict rules of logic, it is as accurate as a comprehensive test, even though such test may be impossible because the number of cases so wondrous (when not infinite) that it would take far longer than the age of the universe to check each one even at the speed of light.

    Now, proving a program's correctness is a difficult task, whose complexity grows uncontrollably with the size of the program to prove. This is why the need to use computer systems arises quickly for such proof. Thus, to trust the proof, you must also trust the computer proofchecking program. But this program can be very short and easy to understand; it can also be made publicly available, and be examined, used, tested, by all the computer users and hackers throughout the world, as explained previously, because it is useful to everyone indeed. If those requirements are fulfilled, such program may be really much more reliable than the most reknowned human doing the same job.

    Anyway, the simplest are the specifications and proofs, the most reliable they are too. Therefore, programmers ought to use the programming concepts that allow the easiest proofs, such as pure lambda-calculus, as used in a language like like ML. Any kind of thing like side-effects and shared (global) variables should be avoided whenever possible. The language syntax should remain always clear and as localized as possible. As for the efficiency hungry, we recall that however fast to execute, an unreliable program is worthless, while today's compiler technology is ready to translate mathematical abstractions into code that is almost as fast as the unreliable software obtained by the so-called "optimizing" compilers for unsafe languages.

    Of course, having program proofs does not mean we should be less careful. If you misspecify what a program must do, and prove the program fulfills the bogus specification, you may have a bogus program; so you must be careful to undertand well what the program is meant to do, and how to express it to the proofchecker. Also, proofs are always founded on assumptions. With wrong assumptions, you can prove anything. So program proofs mean we should always be careful, but we may at last concentrate on the critical parts, and not lose our time verifying details, which computers do much better than us.
    Actually, that's what machines, including computers, are all about: having the human concentrate on the essential, and letting the machines do repetitive tasks.

  • Next: III. No Computer is an Island, Entire in Itself

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    To Do on this page

  • Finish writing this part.
  • Divide into subfiles ?
  • wait for feedback from the members.
  • Put references to the Glossary...

    Faré --
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